This was written many months ago but I procrastinated publishing it. I am publishing now, even though it is a fairly outdated matter because I don’t like my good writing gathering dust in the drafts folder. Also, fyi, I had earlier written Sadhguru’s CAA Video #1: should spiritual leaders give their views on political matters? […]
Spiritual Folk who are Ridiculous Twats

This is a phenomenon. Spiritual folks who end up being completely ridiculous twats in their situation. Take an Angulimala – who was a dacoit terrorizing and cutting off people’s fingers. Or the hunter fellow who went and offered meat and unbelievable tamasic stuff to the shiva linga. Then that fellow who crushed his own child […]
Milk Consumption & Related Animal Cruelty: So Many Points To Ponder On

Sadhguru recently answered a devotee on why milk is used despite the torture to the cows. Paraphrasing, he said that if they aren’t kept for the milk, then they will be sent to the slaughter house. As expected, it caused some outrage in vegan groups. I had experimented with being vegan a few years back. […]
A Regret Requires Many Judgements
There are some matters where my thoughts differ significantly compared to others. One matter is that of Regrets. Regrets don’t make sense to me. However, other people seem to take regrets for granted. There is always something. “If only I had studied English in school then….” , “If my father would have allowed….” , “If […]
Janta Curfew & Social Distancing: A Tremendous Experience

The day of Janta Curfew was an amazing one for me. The large public mass of India stayed at home, voluntarily. As soon as I woke up that day, the deep silence in the neighbourhood was palpable. It was not a day just like any other. People were tweeting pictures of how birds and other […]
Doctors & Sant Sangati #1: Amba Hospital, Dada Bhagwan Ashram

My thoughts and emotions towards doctors hold a fair bit of anger, disappointment, resentment and much frustration. The Allopathy doctors – the most common ones, with the whole medical infrastructure of testing and clinics and pharmacies all over the place. A few conversations with friends or not-so-much-friends who sneered at any alternative medicines. And claim […]
Should Women Go To The Crematorium When Loved Ones Die?
Many years back my Grand-dad died. It was one of the closest deaths for me. Other deaths had taken place but either I was too young, or I personally didn’t feel a major connect with the person. So this was one of the closest deaths for me. Naturally, I went with the men folk to […]
On Sadhguru’s CAA Video #1: Should Spiritual Leaders Give Their Views on Social and Political Matters?
When I saw Isha had published Sadhguru’s views on CAA & NRC, I chuckled. Because a backlash was inevitable. What I didn’t expect was that Modi & BJP would promote that video in such a big way. And hence, the backlash to it would also multiple that many times. One of the first comments I […]
Mahatma Gandhi & Ramana Maharshi Connection [Ashram Talks]

In the ashram a lot of random things get said. Different ashrams have different levels of crap being spoken in a very normalized fashion. From a friend who had apparently been to another hippie place (not sure it can be called an ashram) said that Isha is really good in that respect that they very […]
A Mahashivratri without Shiva

This year, I spent my Mahashivratri in Silence. This is not common for me. Every year since 2006, I spend it watching the SJV / Isha program via TV or web-streaming or live at the venue. Here’s how it happened, I was on my 2 month cycle tour in Thailand. This was during the Mahashivratri […]