This International Yoga Day of 2020, I explored an “Akhand Diya“. I planned to try to establish an unceasing diya for a few weeks to get an idea of it. As it happened, it is still ON 2 months later. These were the days of semi-lockdown. As many others in these days, I decided to […]
Towards Spirituality
Spiritual Folk who are Ridiculous Twats

This is a phenomenon. Spiritual folks who end up being completely ridiculous twats in their situation. Take an Angulimala – who was a dacoit terrorizing and cutting off people’s fingers. Or the hunter fellow who went and offered meat and unbelievable tamasic stuff to the shiva linga. Then that fellow who crushed his own child […]
A Regret Requires Many Judgements
There are some matters where my thoughts differ significantly compared to others. One matter is that of Regrets. Regrets don’t make sense to me. However, other people seem to take regrets for granted. There is always something. “If only I had studied English in school then….” , “If my father would have allowed….” , “If […]
Janta Curfew & Social Distancing: A Tremendous Experience

The day of Janta Curfew was an amazing one for me. The large public mass of India stayed at home, voluntarily. As soon as I woke up that day, the deep silence in the neighbourhood was palpable. It was not a day just like any other. People were tweeting pictures of how birds and other […]
Doctors & Sant Sangati #1: Amba Hospital, Dada Bhagwan Ashram

My thoughts and emotions towards doctors hold a fair bit of anger, disappointment, resentment and much frustration. The Allopathy doctors – the most common ones, with the whole medical infrastructure of testing and clinics and pharmacies all over the place. A few conversations with friends or not-so-much-friends who sneered at any alternative medicines. And claim […]
The “Heart” in Spiritual Teachings

I had earlier written about navigating the proverbial Heart v/s Mind conflict situation. This refers to a logic v/s emotional dilemma. ‘Heart’ is used in these situations to mean the emotional or illogical desire. Cultivating a ‘sense’ of the situation is the solution. The sense of the situation goes deeper than both logic and emotion. […]
Discipline In Spiritual Paths To Transcend Likes & Dislikes
While having ice-cream with family, Aunty: *something finicky about food* Me: Aunty you are too fussy Uncle: Aren’t you fussy? Me: No, not really Uncle: Ok how about we have some bhel… Me: I can have bhel, of course with no onion and garlic Uncle: Why? Isn’t that fussy too? Me: No that is discipline… […]
Acts of Merit, पुण्य : Offering Support To Other Spiritual Seekers

Acts that gain you merit or पुण्य. Earlier I wrote about Karma Yoga and doing work such that it becomes a way to enlightenment. Part of this are acts conducted to spread the word about a spiritual path. These acts could inspire others to take a look at this path and also support a person walking this […]
Importance Of Sant Sangati | संत संगति का महत्व

This article has long been pending. One of the reasons it has been pending so long is because it is pretty vast and I am not sure where to start. But I want to attempt this. In fact that is the purpose of this blog. This blog lets me delve deeper into thoughts which otherwise just […]
Food Consciousness – from a Brahmakumari Grandmom
Here are some interesting insights I have got from the grandmom at my AirBnb in Chennai. She has been associated with the Brahmakumari path for over 36 years now. It was very interesting for me to know of her sadhana as I am also usually into all sadhana stuff. So here, Remembrance of God while cooking : […]